The perfect song for sundays

The first track off the first album by The Velvet Underground has always been my first choice for lazy sundays mornings. The perfect blend of…

Favorite b-sides: Fog by Radiohead

Radioheads bagkatalog er fyldt med store sange, sære sange, smukke sange, skurrende sange, aflagte sange, indtagende sange, grimme sange, enarmede nikkedukkesange, digitalt forstyrrede sange, blindvinklede…

Flying Lotus – Kill Your Co-Workers

Beeple’s (aka Mike Winkelmann) video for the Flying Lotus track “Kill Your Co-Workers” is just so gorgeously well-made. Get more Beeple right here. Flying Lotus…

Portishead – Chase the Tear

Portishead – Chase The Tear from Mintonfilm on Vimeo. For years Portishead were stock content of my music collection. And even though we drifted apart…